Thursday, September 01, 2005

Iraqianna, New Iraqoleans, truly deplorable

Iraqianna, New Iraqoleans, that's what it looks like today. Truly deplorable, that is the only way to characterize the situation in New Orleans.  A fine historic city and what once was a vibrant modern city has been reduced to absolute anarchy beyond my wildest nightmares of civil collapse. Although it would be nice to place all the blame on the national administration in Washington D. C., and much of the blame likely belongs there, it appears that the city, the county and the state all simply failed to make even the most simple prudent plans or preparations for the current situation.  Compared to New York City after 9/11 and Florida after last year's storms the situation in NOLA is nothing less than deplorable.  The State of Texas much to its credit has responded promptly and in a highly organized way to take in and take care of massive numbers of refugees from Louisiana.  It all is a truly sad situation that will reverberate through our national history and the lives of millions along the Gulf Coast for decades to come.  All I can do is send money for now.  But come the midterm elections I will not forget these issues or the issues to come and I encourage everyone to do the same, send money and pay attention.  Help and do not forget.