Sunday, April 26, 2009

And now for something more positive

There maybe hope for those of us who know what to do now.

It's fire sale time again and there won't be an RTC. Ladies and Gentlemen get your licenses in order and your websites up and running.

Pascal Lamy, the director-general of the World Trade Organization, says,"My point is that retreating from market opening is not a solution to the economic crisis. For countries that depend on trade and have specialized according to comparative advantage, a reversal of openness will impose significant costs on the economy. What is more, setting up new barriers to trade will be seen as protectionism and will risk retaliation from trade partners. One country's exports are another country’s imports. Rather than reviving economies, the effect of this will be to worsen the global crisis."

~read more~

Mr Lamy seems to be dead on to me but as he says Washington seems to be a bit slow on processing and implementing ideas like his, but perhps slow is better than not moving along at all. There is always hope that things might pick up if they are at least moving in some way.

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