Friday, May 26, 2006

Earthworm Tractor Co

Miserably slow here at work.  The strangest things come up when you have idle time with the Net.  I may have mentioned to you in the past my interest in reviewing old Saturday Evening Post archives to uncover the author of the Earthworm Tractor Co. fiction pieces I recall reading as an eleven year old.  Searching on Wikipedia I found a very nice entry for The Saturday Evening Post which led to the web site for the current incarnation of the magazine which is now a bimonthly.  A bit more digging found LookSmart FindArticles which produced

which revealed the author as William Hazlett Upson.  As you can see from the link on Upson's name some of the work has been collected in books.  The article linked above recalls all the flavor of what I remember reading as a ten year old, sort of Wodehouse like but not nearly as good as Wodehouse.  Armed with Upson's name finally a treasure trove of information came up on Google and other sources.  Perhaps the material is too dated to be of interest to any eleven year old today.  We shall see since I plan to turn one of the books over to my eleven year old this month.

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