Now the heart, well, that remains to be seen. I would rather sail through a storm or two than stand on the pier. Every storm comes between long periods calm seas and fair winds. Looks like a pair of very rosy sunsets to me.

With any luck there will be no red dawn, least wise nothing we can't handle. Ain't that right there, Quezon, ain't that right? And, me mate, Quezon, he said,"Try oranges." Funny fellow, Quezon, perhaps too much Curacao in his coffee lately. And so, Quezon and I have put out to test the seas again. How does it go
If you smile at me
I will understand
'Cause that is something
Everybody everywhere does in the same language
Something about wooden ships on the water as I recall, very free and easy I believe it went. Oh yes,
Go take a sister, then, by the hand
Lead her away from this foreign land
Far away, where we might laugh again
We are leaving, you don't need us
And it's a fair wind
Blowin' warm out of the south over my shoulder
Guess I'll set a course and go
I'm sure David will forgive me this lifting, he got it so right, so very free and easy.
1 comment:
Goodness, who are those two beautiful ladies? Very easy on the eyes indeed. I should like to know more about them, if you please.
And from where are these lines? A poem? A song? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's glad that QOTL has finally been updated. It's about time!
No red dawn. Just rosy sunsets. Thank you for this post.
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